Our Annual Appeal for 2023 is underway – see how your donations can help our work

A Message from our CEO:

It’s time for our Annual Appeal – the one that helps pay the general costs of running this organisation. I thought this was a perfect opportunity to share with you some of the ‘behind the scenes’ support that goes on around here in addition to our everyday work through our Peer and Whanau Support Team; our Resource Centre and our Vocational Rehab Team.

Over the last 12 months we have been able to do some additional things for people who needed our support, thanks to the generosity of our donors – and of course we would love to be able to do this again in the 12 months ahead.

As well as highlighting some of our great work stories, we also want to thank our Match Donor Access Community Health, who are donating a dollar for each dollar you donate, up to $25,000. So that will be $50,000 towards our appeal total, which is a huge help!

Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini
Success is not the work of an individual, but the work of many.
Kia pai tō rā | Have a great day,

Access Health Spinal Trust appeal

Hans Wouters, CEO
e: Hans.wouters@nzspinaltrust.org.nz
t: 03 383 6881

Supporting Partners of Inpatients

Earlier this year we had one of the Burwood Hospital social workers ask if we had anywhere available that a partner of an inpatient could work part-time while staying on-site to support their spouse. Absolutely! We could clear the clutter from the spare desk in the admin portacom – she could set up her work laptop and monitor there, hook into our internet and “Bob’s your uncle”!

It worked a treat – Annie* was able to come into the portacom early in the morning, work a few hours, then head off to have lunch with her husband and accompany him to his gym workout. She could then work another couple of hours while he rested and catch him again before dinner. It was easy for her to slip away when meetings came up with specialists so they could both ask questions and get their answers. It also meant her own life and work were able to continue.

This worked so well for Annie that a week or so after she left, we had Kirsty* tag team into the spare desk so she could work while supporting her spouse. Both of them fitted in perfectly – it’s felt like we’ve lost members of our team when they left.

“Filling the Gap” with our Equipment Library

NZ Spinal Trust Annual AppealLast year we received funds from a Trust that we could use to start up an “equipment library”. When someone was waiting on Te Whatu Ora (TWO – previously MOH) approval for a piece of equipment recommended by their OT, we used this fund to buy the equipment to lend them in the meantime and it was returned to us once funding came through – ready to loan out to the next person. Case in point:

Kev* was leaving the spinal unit in a standard issue, fairly clunky TWO chair and was told he could expect his prescribed chair within a couple of months. We paid for a correctly fitted, less clunky chair to be available on discharge and Kev returned to his community in a chair that fitted and worked for him.

A few months later Kev contacted us – his TWO chair was ready. We got the loaner chair back and into storage.

And now, a few months later, it’s ready to go out to the next person after some adjustments to ensure correct fit. The system’s working perfectly

Or a Sara Stedy standing aid that went to Lynne*:

SaraStedy“Last year the Spinal Trust loaned me a Sara Stedy to help with my rehabilitation; recently MOH approved my application for one of my own and delivered it this morning. I’ll get the Spinal Trust one back to you all so it can help out the next person in need. Without your help I would have never progressed in the way I had only dreamed of.

Now using the equipment I can stand without assistance and achieve tasks I didn’t think possible.

Thank you and the Spinal Trust for giving me this opportunity and helping me reach my goal. I’m forever grateful.


You can also donate by paying directly to our bank account:
NZ Spinal Trust, Westpac Parklands
03 – 1597 – 0101190 – 00

Please use your name and AA2023 as the reference and email Su Marshall with your contact details – Su will send you your receipt.

Phone our office (03) 383 6881 and we can help process your credit card donation.

Your generosity does make a difference

  • It ensures our Peer and Whānau Support Team can keep rolling through the ward providing practical, emotional and psychological tools to those who are new to this SCI journey … or many years down the track
  • It ensures our Vocational Rehab Team can support people back to work with a tailored plan, or help them decide on a new direction
  • It ensures help can always be found at our Resource Centre when you need a steer in the right direction for information or training … or maybe just a chat
  • It ensures we are here to advocate on behalf of our SCI community.

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